In the distant reaches of the cosmos, where stars twinkle and passion ignites, a celestial sensation awaits. Inspired by the enigmatic allure of the wise master himself, this adult toy transcends earthly boundaries, offering an experience that tantalizes both body and soul.
Crafted from 100% platinum silicone, Choda beckons with a velvety touch and tantalizing dorsal ridges, its contours expertly crafted to caress your every desire. As you embrace its elegant form, a cosmic connection is forged, and the force of intimacy begins to stir within.
Much like the beloved character, Choda is small but mighty. Whoever said size matters certainly hasn’t experienced this girthy toy. Choose Choda, and journey to pleasure you shall.
Overall length: 5” / 12.7 cm
Useable length: 4.5” / 11.4 cm
Circumference: 5.5” / 14 cm
Diameter: 1.875” / 4.75 cm
All of our toys are available in customizable colors.
Note: This is a novelty product is purely intended for adult use and should always be used responsibly and with proper care.